


Dear YB Dr Teo Nie Ching ,
敬爱张念群 副教育部长

Hope this posting finds you well.

I have a funny thought: Does a person really need a good command of Chinese Language in order to become the Deputy Minister of Education? Or does a person really need to score a very good Chinese Exam result in his SPM in order to be appointed the Minister of Finance??
我有个奇怪的想法:是否我们需要精通华语才可以做副教育部长,或在 SPM 的华文获得优异的成绩才能成为财政部长呢?

I feel obligated to write to you as I hope that this letter of appeal would serve a purpose to help the Chinese School pupils learning Mandarin, regardless of their races, on the whole.
这是一封诉求的信,希望它能帮助到在华校学习华语的学子们---- 不管他们来自任何家庭背景或种族。

Undoubtedly in recent years, the levels of primary school Chinese subject has been intentionally made extremely high and “unmanageable” by many pupils. As if we are setting an unchievable objective by pushing ourselves towards comparing our standards with those of China and Taiwan!

I was even more worried ever since HOT system was introduced and enforced as we all know that every new implementation would have a lot of flaws. Does it actually serve a noble purpose in uniting the nation? Or merely to be designed in a way to show (off ) that our educational system to look like of very high standard, even at primary school levels? Our nightmares have turned to be true!

I taught Mandarin in Chinese schools for 5 years plus before switching to teaching English in the private sector. When in secondary school and pre-u, I spent most of my time studying Chinese subject. With a relatively good foundation in Mandarin , I later on realised that I had passed up too many opportunities in mastering other subjects well, especially English as the most important international language. And today, while having to focus and put in so much effort in learning such difficult Mandarin even at primary levels, our pitiful pupils are just following the mistakes I once made.

As we are all aware, in the context of Malaysia with its multi-racial backgrounds, children need to learn and master the basic of several languages since primary school, besides being burdened with other HOTS subjects. Therefore, the time allocation for each and every subject is very limited. Hence when a language is made extra-ordinary difficult in the exams, it will scare others from learning it, or to sit for it in the exam.
Many, many secondary school students, during my time, dropped Chinese subject, because they were afraid not to score it well and it would affect their overall results on the whole.
众 所 周 知, 马来西亚是个多元种族的国家。除了必须规定性地应付高级思维科目之外,孩子们自小必须学习多种语言。所以,学习每一科目的时间,真的很有限。所以当一个科目被复杂化时,它会吓跑很多人!比如很多中学生就放弃学习与选考中文!

Please do not tell me that the results are not important. When a student applies for a scholarship or university entry, usually the good grade of the students --- those passing the exams with flying colours ---- will be the first priority in its considearation.
原因在哪儿呢?有些人说别太注重成绩,其实是非常错误的观念。万一某一科考不好,真的会影响他们申请助学金 或升上大学的机会!

Back to the point of discussion. Look at the attached exam papers. Apparently its standard is far too high for a Primary 3 pupil to manage!!! It''s as difficult as the previous papers for Standard 5 or Standard 6 pupils! I dare to challenge anyone that many secondary students will also not be able to answer this paper well! I could even compare its standard to SPR or PMR many, many years ago.
再讨论重点吧。请看看我附上的考卷,瞎眼的都会发觉它对一个才三年级的孩子来说,的的确确是太难了!我敢挑战一些人 ---- 甚至很多中学生都未必可以答得好。

When the pupils from Chinese backgrounds are struggling to cope with it, let alone the pupils from non-Chinese speaking backgrounds!! It is killing !
A secondary school teacher remarked, “We are treating the children like the guinea pigs. Worse, they are treated like the DEAD guinea pigs!”

What is the purpose of learning a language? Fundamentally it is for communication purpose! And communication should be made easy and understandable ! And a language should be spoken! Therefore, we should just let primary school pupils learn the crisps of the language. Make it easy, make it more commonly accepted, make it a friendly language where everyone has the intention and love towards learning and embracing it! When more people speak the language, regardless of their races, only then would it be more commonly used, and would we achieve our objective in promoting Mandarin nationally, and internationally!

Speciallisation in the language can be made in at secondary schools, or at a higher level. At a much mature age, the students will be given a choice or freedom to pursue the language further (or not) based on their personal interest. I would never understand why we need to force things down the throat at primary school levels, as if to deliberately forcing them to obtain a PhD in Mandarin!!

Why on earth do we need to set a very, very high standard of Manadrin at Primary School levels, intentionally scaring the pupils away, and leaving those snobbish and “a stick-in-the mud” sort of teachers clapping their hands, giggling happily on their own for failing the pupils ?

Sigh! As a matter of fact, to tackle this issue, we really, really need more in-depth discussions by more down to earth educationists who are more understanding and genuine.

I used to write in about how pathetic the situation and the issue is by giving a few examples of the papers and texts for different aged-groups back in 2017. We received an overwhelming feed backs from most of the teachers here who unanimously sent in their grievences, and tears! But it was last year.... It goes without saying, we never had hope on the previous MOE! ... But now with our new MOE, the ball is with you now. We have high hope on you!

The pledge I am highlighting today is only an iceberg. Definitely there would be more issues about it.
I would appeal to you over and over again to kindly see into this matter. I hope that you and your team in the new MOE will do something about it. With your wisdom, we know you can rectify the situation!
请接受我一再的请求,希望您正视这课题。诚然,您与新的教育前锋 绝对会用最有智慧的能力与 方式来处理这件事情!

We really need an entire revamp in our educational system, don’t we?

Alfred Koh (MAPSE) 敬上

4 条评论:

  1. 不是很难,不过学习能力差的学生也许比较难一点。。。,考试虽然重要,却不是最重要的,最重要的平时是学习态度。。。

  2. 最大的問題是家長都選擇靜靜的給自己的孩子找更好的補習班,幫孩子的可以可以拿高分。

  3. 终于找到知音,100%赞同。

  4. 离这篇文章发表到现在已经5年了,情况没有得到改进,反而更加糟糕了。


